After months of deep reflection, problem solving and ongoing consultation with leaders in the behavioral health field in Oregon, the ACT NW board of directors has determined the challenges facing the organization are insurmountable at this time. We are deeply saddened to announce that beginning this week ACT NW will initiate the painful but necessary process of closing its treatment center.
Several extenuating circumstances beyond our control, namely the unprecedented and ongoing shortage of available and trained employees in the behavioral health workforce, coupled with a resurgent COVID-19 pandemic and attendant rising adolescent hospitalizations in Oregon, make it untenable to continue operations in good faith at this time. In the coming days and weeks we will be working closely with area treatment providers so that the kids in our care are given appropriate referrals and resources to continue their care. We are so grateful for the opportunity we’ve had to serve youth and families in our community as we know the services we’ve provided are desperately needed. And our deep gratitude extends to the funders, staff and board members who made this dream a reality. ACT began around a kitchen table 3 years ago, with some of the state’s most experienced treatment professionals at the center of the conversation. That table and conversation isn’t going anywhere, and nor is our commitment to Oregon’s kids and families impacted by SUDs and their right to have access to the evidence-based care and the support they need and deserve to thrive.
- ACT NW Board of Directors