Hey all! I’ve been thinking a lot about grief lately, maybe it’s because pieces of my heart are still grieving life before COVID-19 and what that felt like. When lockdown first started, we lost our freedom, but by month two we had lost millions of people. I’ve lost people to multiple different scenarios but most of the people that have passed in my life, passed from the use of drugs. Harm reduction is something that we value at ACT NW. The truth is, …
Body Shame
Hey everyone! I hope you’re feeling light and peaceful today. There’s always a sense of peace for me when the sun starts to come out and shine on all our lives. I know being in the sun for a long time has some down sides, but I simply can’t help it. I’d like to say I want it to be 90 degrees everyday forever, but “the grass is always greener” Ya know? Since it’s getting to that time of year where we’re going to start thinking about …
Say his name.
Hey everyone! I come to you this week in a vulnerable space. It is a hard time to be a black American right now and forever. I meditate on all the ways we transform for this society, all the ways we morph into what white America expects of us. The ways that white supremacy rip us apart, this is one of those ways…the biggest one. Daunte Wright, a father to a beautiful two-year-old baby boy, beloved son and partner was shot by a police officer. …
Hey everyone! I hope your week is filled with love and light, and more importantly, humility. This is a concept I’ve been thinking about quite a bit, so why not start a conversation here. I hear a lot in 12-step based recovery rooms that humility is required in order to recover. But honestly upon first glance, a lot of words look demeaning or intimidating until I truly look them up because alas, google is free. I’ll tell you right now that when I …
Self care starters!
Hi all! I hope you’re having a good week/month/year/life as of late. My energy has been pretty wishy-washy the past couple weeks, and I’d chalk it up to the lack of effort I’ve been putting into my self-care aside from the necessities. The topic I want to focus on today is a big one, hygiene. I feel as though when I hear the term “self-care” my mind immediately goes to pretty bath bombs, face masks and fancy shower scrubs. But the reality is, that’s not the …